While writing another blog today, I was listening to a worship set where the leader began to sing about what it’s like to genuinely let what He’s done on the cross change everything. About what it looks like to let His blood touch our hearts. As he was singing about this, I heard this line: “Do I know it or am I just singing to the ceiling today?”
Immediately, I felt utterly convicted and the urge to fall on my face in worship at the exact same time. Through this, He prompted me to write. This is what He’s stirring in my heart:
What does it look like for us to know His love, not just know that He loves other people? How often do we go out and share His love with other people before sitting with Him and understanding the depths of what the cross means for us personally?
This goes back to a concept that the Lord ingrained in me back in Nicaragua. That the gospel has to move us before we expect it to move others. I want to challenge you by asking you to think about that the last time that you actually felt the depths of what the gospel means for you. I don’t mean just reading scripture on it, or singing another song about it, because the ugly truth is oh how easily we can do those things while completely missing the point. I mean letting the fact that Jesus- the Good Shepherd, gentle and lowly in heart, the spotless lamb- died to save you- an imperfect, messy, sinner- sink in. I mean letting how upside- down that is hit your heart. It doesn’t make sense. It never has. It never should. If somehow, it begins to make any kind of sense, or doesn’t leave you speechless and in a posture of worship, then something is radically wrong. The gospel should never grow stale.
“It’s extravagant, it doesn’t make sense, we’ll never comprehend the way you love us” (Extravagant, Bethel Music).
“Just think how much worse the punishment will be for those who have trampled on the Son of God, and have treated the blood of the covenant, which made us holy, as if it were common and unholy, and have insulted and disdained the Holy Spirit who brings God’s mercy to us.” Hebrews 10:29
This verse refers to the punishment for Jews who treated His blood as if it were just like the blood of another animal sacrifice. They lost the reverence and adoration for what He had done. How foolish are those who treat His blood as common and unholy?
His blood should always be before us. That before we dare to walk like Jesus and show Him to other people, that we meet with Him ourselves and by looking at His face, remember what He’s done for us. I pray that as you read this that the Holy Spirit convicts you like He did me. I’m not quite sure who the Lord wants to reach with this, but I know He has led me to selah (pause) and remember what He’s done and I encourage you to as well. Remember your salvation.
“I have heard the gospel a thousand times, in a thousand forms.
No matter, preach it to me again.
I hunger, I tire, I sigh.
Preach it to me again; it is my food, it is my rest, it is my sweet embrace.
Preach it to me again,
Will you have me starve by the lack of it?
Tell me of my sin, I beg, tell me of the Son.
Tell me of our fountainhead;
Tell me what He’s done.”
– Paolo Arimado
Do you really know of His love for you or have you just been singing of it to the ceiling?
wow carley haygood. this is beautiful.
I love how God is stirring your heart. Keep seeking and growing. You are loved!